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The October Edition of Washington Lawyer Is Here!
This month's Washington Lawyer puts a spotlight on government practice matters. Read about the political division in the United States and its effects on judicial vacancies, and delve into the conflicts between government surveillance and privacy.

Whether you’re an attorney looking to navigate social media in a government agency or just want some quirky voting facts from around the world, the October issue has something for you.
And don’t forget our digital extras! We profiled Micah Elggren, a JAG who used his voice and legal skills in operations against ISIL, and David Cole, the new incoming director of the American Civil Liberties Union. Get a sneak peek at our popular "Changing Currents in Employment Law" CLE program with a Q&A with panelist Shelby Skeabeck on navigating transgender bathroom statutes.
Click HERE or go to http://washingtonlawyer.dcbar.org/october2016/ to enjoy our newly redesigned magazine in this new digital format!

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